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Journal of Vibration Testing and System Dynamics

C. Steve Suh (editor), Pawel Olejnik (editor),

Xianguo Tuo (editor)

Pawel Olejnik (editor)

Lodz University of Technology, Poland


C. Steve Suh (editor)

Texas A&M University, USA


Xiangguo Tuo (editor)

Sichuan University of Science and Engineering, China


Dynamics of Turning Operation Part I: Experimental Analysis Using Instantaneous Frequency

Journal of Vibration Testing and System Dynamics 1(1) (2017) 15--33 | DOI:10.5890/JVTSD.2017.03.002

Eric B. Halfmann; C. Steve Suh; Wayne N.P. Hung

$^{1}$ Nonlinear Engineering and Control Lab, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-3123, USA

$^{2}$ Engineering Technology and Industrial Distribution Department, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-3367, USA

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The workpiece and tool vibrations on a lathe are experimentally stud- ied to establish improved understanding of cutting dynamics that would support efforts in exceeding the current limits of the turning process. A Keyence laser displacement sensor is employed to monitor the workpiece and tool vibrations during chatter-free and chatter cut- ting. A procedure is developed that utilizes instantaneous frequency (IF) to identify the modes related to measurement noise and those innate of the cutting process. It is found that IF thoroughly charac- terizes the underlying turning dynamics and identifies the exact time when chatter is fully developed. That IF provides the needed reso- lution for identifying the onset of chatter suggests that the stability of the process should be monitored in the time-frequency domain to effectively detect and characterize machining instability. It is deter- mined that for the cutting tests performed chatter of the workpiece and tool are associated with the changing of the spectral components and more specifically period-doubling bifurcation.


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